Portfolio Assessment
Computer Literacy Equivalency
A good portfolio can allow Atlantic Cape to assess your skill in computer literacy. Samples of your work are the strongest pieces of evidence you can submit. Your evidence should show what you are able to do.
Following are examples of how you can structure your portfolio for assessment. In addition, you can include performance evaluations and letters of commendation from supervisors or former teachers. Remember that your portfolio represents not only the quality of your product, but also your ability to organize your work.
Word Processing
Demonstrate literacy by displaying business or coursework-based documents you've produced containing the following: letters, memos, brochures, and/or narrative reports. Narrative reports should include format features such as borders, shading, tabs, spacing, columns, bullets, text alignment, etc.
You must demonstrate literacy in spreadsheet usage by displaying business or coursework-based documents you've produced containing the following: worksheets using formulas (averages, summation, multiple operands); labels with proper documentation; graphs such as pie charts, bar charts, etc.
You must demonstrate literacy in database usage by displaying business or coursework-based documents you've produced containing the following: detail reports; summary reports; reports that show queries of extraction of filtered information from databases; calculated fields in databases, etc.
You must demonstrate literacy in Internet usage by displaying business or coursework-based documents you've produced containing the following: Internet-based activity; online database usage; online-based research, etc.
You must demonstrate literacy in software integration by displaying business or coursework-based documents you've produced. These documents should contain reports or documents that integrate database records with word processing text. Your documents should also include spreadsheets linked to text documents; charts and graphs linked to documents, etc.