Visit any of our One-Stop Welcome Centers for help with academic advising. Please arrive to allow enough time to check in and meet with a Student Services Navigator (at least 30 minutes is recommended).
Schedule an appointment with a Student Service Navigator Advisor or Counselor using your Atlantic Cape Connect or email them directly. Not sure who your Navigator/Counselor is? View your Self Service account for information. Schedule an appointment with a Navigator/Counselor from the campus of your choosing.
If you don't want to choose a specific Navigator you can stop by our One-Stop Welcome Center at any campus during regular business hours with a valid Atlantic Cape student photo ID.
Important dates and deadlines for each semester. Includes registration dates, last day to register, drop or withdraw and refund deadlines.
Waitlists: If a course you need is full, you may select the waitlist for the section. If a seat becomes available, the system will generate an email that will be sent to your account. You will have 24 hours to claim the seat from the time of receipt of the email. Please check your email often if you waitlist for a course. Waitlists are deactivated a week or two prior to the start of the semester.
Don't see a course you need offered for the semester when or where you need it? Need a course that is not listed on the class schedule on Self Service? There is no guarantee that this can be remedied, but let the Academic Affairs office know what you are looking for: Email
Students are highly encouraged to meet with their assigned or Faculty Advisors. You can contact your Faculty Advisors via email or call Academic Affairs at (609) 343-4909. An assistant will help you choose a faculty advisor that best matches your needs.
Academic Planning
Effective academic planning and course selection are critical factors leading to student success. Therefore, students are encouraged to meet with a Student Service Navigator (Advisor) regularly to discuss their Program of Study and to plan their courses and discuss education and career goals. No appointment is necessary. A valid student photo ID is required when you are on any Atlantic Cape campus.
We assist students with: Academic Advisement; Course and degree planning; Class Registration; Career Advisement; Transfer Advisement; Stockton Transfer Pathways; Veterans Advisement; Athlete Advisement; NJ Stars Advisement; Work-study and co-op assignments; Time Management and test taking skills, and much more!
Do you have quick questions such as: Does my schedule look correct? Can you tell me what classes I need to take? I am on academic probation; how do I register? I want to change my major, what is the process? I need a copy of my schedule; can you help me? E-mail us at: Be sure to use your Buccaneer email address. Atlantic Cape Community College Advising Team will schedule individual advising and registration appointments by phone, online, in person, or email. It is our mission to ensure that you have a positive advising appointment with our dedicated staff.
Self Service Student Planning
As an Atlantic Cape student, you have access to your Atlantic Cape Connect & Self Service student planning portal 24/7/365. Here, you may begin your academic journey by constructing a personalized timeline to guide you along your path towards graduation, plan your courses by semester and register for them by simply clicking a button! You may also receive personalized online academic advising support, and you can view and keep up to date on your academic progress.
Program of Study
To select, add or change your Program of study (major) at Atlantic Cape, please print the form and submit it to the One-Stop Welcome Center at any of our three campus locations.
A faculty advisor may be requested based on your Program of Study. Faculty advisor information. Appointments for advisement sessions should be made directly with the Faculty member; call Academic Affairs at (609) 343-4909 for more information.
Upcoming Academic Advising Events
In-Person Events
More events coming in Spring 2025 semester! Check the College's Events Calendar or Campus Groups for dates.
Keep an eye out for the Center for Student Success Advising information tables. These tables will be located in various areas around campus this semester. They will provide resources you can take on time management, decreasing your screen time, understanding Academic Advising terminology, and so much more. And don't forget to grab a snack to fuel your studies!
Pop-Up AdvisingKeep an eye out for Student Service Navigators walking around campus. You can ask us questions or schedule a one-on-one meeting on the spot!
Join us for some fun & informative How to College events
Brain Food Study Sessions (MLC)
Join your Advising team! Get ready to ACE your next test or quiz! Plan to meet with Tutoring and Student Success staff who can help you design an effective study session, learn about different learning styles, and how to care for yourself so you can be the best student you can be. Gather resources to help you stay healthy in mind and body! Learn to use your Study Style effectively and grab some brain-friendly snacks to fuel your study session.
Eat the Frog Time Management workshop (MLC)
Do you struggle with managing your time? Did you know time management is a crucial skills needed for college and for life! Join us to learn how to schedule your time so you can be productive and successful. We'll help you identify time wasters and create a plan to ensure you can address all your tasks and projects to be more productive and less stressed!
Group Advising sessions
Bring your device (tablet, laptop or phone) and join the Center for Student Success to learn how to use your Self Service to plan your degree and your next semester classes. Learn about course sequences (in what order classes must be taken), how to select electives, what courses are offered in specific semesters, and other things to consider when planning. Get information on faculty advising and tutoring to help you succeed and sail through to degree completion.
Advising, program review, planning & registration are available in-person or virtually year-round. Don't wait to get the classes and instructors you want! Schedule your appointment now or join us in-person on any Atlantic Cape Campus. No appointment needed. Photo ID required.
Registered, but have questions about navigating Blackboard? Stop in to meet with a Student Service Navigator to get a one-on-one session on how to navigate Blackboard, how to download or upload items and how to post to discussion boards! Sign in at the One-Stop Welcome Center (J-building lobby in Mays Landing campus or any Atlantic Cape campus) and note reason for visit is to meet with Navigator for Blackboard help.
Have you struggled in the past; Has your GPA dipped lower than you'd like; Are there courses you need to retake? Join us if you are not satisfied with your current GPA and would like some strategies & tips to help you improve your GPA.
How to use Self Service My Progress and Student Planning to search, plan and register for courses. Stop by any campus and ask to meet with a Student Success Navigator for one-on-one assistance. You can also use the Calendly links above to schedule a virtual appointment with a Navigator.
Connection Corner FEELING LONELY? Join us and talk about it! TBD on the Mays Landing Campus Come hang with us and make connections with your peers! Presented by the Center for Student Success
Advising Frequently Asked Questions
New students are strongly encouraged to meet with a Student Service Navigator (Advisor) beforeregistering to ensure proper course selection for their declared major and career/educational goals. ALL students are encouraged to meet regularly (once or twice/year) with their Student Service Navigator (Advisor) for help with course selection, support services, transferring, or any other questions they may have and to learn how to use all the tools their Atlantic Cape Connect & Self Service accounts offer.
If you take 12 credits (although considered full-time enrollment) and attend only fall and spring semesters, you will not be able to complete your degree in two years (or four semesters). Typically you would need about five classes (or about 15 credits) per semester to complete within two years for most degree programs. Keep in mind if you must complete additional courses for remediation or to get to your program courses, that may add some additional time. This is why it is so important to work with your assigned Navigator or Counselor. We can help you plan your degree to complete within the time frame that is most efficient and that works best for you. That may include taking some classes in summer or taking 18 credits one semester and 12 another. Your journey is as individual as you are! Let's meet to plan your SUCCESS!
When meeting to plan your degree or semester schedule make sure you've considered your major; what you want to take next; the format you prefer courses (in person on which campus, online/asynchronous, remote or hybrid); how many classes do you want to take so you can be successful (<12=PT & 12 or >=FT); what days/times are you available to attend classes; what are your plans after graduation; have you filed FAFSA and reviewed your required documents on your Self Service student account? These are just some of the things we'll need to know to help you plan the a schedule that works for you.
Students are assigned both Student Service Navigators/Advisors as well as faculty advisors (based on declared major). This information is posted on the student's Self Service student account. In addition, students in special programs (NJStars, EOF, Athletics, CFA, etc.) are assigned a program advisor/counselor. If you are unsure, contact or 609-343-5621 for more information.
No, planned classes are not registered. This is a way for the student or advisor to lay out a tentative plan of action or schedule for a particular semester. Planned courses are not reserved or held for the student, nor do they need to be paid in advance.
Registration dates, as well as all academic dates, including drop/add, withdraw period, and refund periods are shown on the College's Academic Calendar.
Students may change their schedules in person on any Atlantic Cape campus (with valid photo ID) or through their Self Service student planner. Changes are subject to: Course offerings for a particular semester, seat availability within a section, and pre-requisite requirements. Not all courses are offered every semester or at all campuses. Offerings vary, so check your student planner or meet with a Student Service Navigator/Advisor or Counselor for assistance.
Pay attention to important dates for dropping or adding classes. You cannot add (register) for classes after specific dates each semester.
The major (and catalog year) shown on your Self Service student account is considered your declared major. This is what is referred to when looking at whether courses you are taking apply to your major and if they are eligible for financial aid coverage.
If you want to change your major to pursue a different career or degree, you may complete a change of program form or stop by any of the One-Stop Centers for assistance. Degree and career goals are important in planning what major you want to pursue, as well as selecting the correct courses & course sequence for the major. Career Services are available to help you decide what career pathway you may pursue.
Make sure you consider how your completed courses may or may not apply towards your new major.
Once you have registered for classes, you'll need to follow up by ordering course materials, confirming financial aid or payment is complete, and log into your Blackboard account at the start of the semester to view the syllabus & course assignment schedule. You'll also need to make sure you attend class as expected and allot time for homework and study time!
Use your course schedule showing subject, course number and section number (eg. COMM 120 OL06) to search for and buy course materials via the Follett Bookstore website. You'll see the options available (rent, buy, new, used, digital) & prices. Math courses will require an access code which is used to access the digital textbook and other course materials.
Log into your Atlantic Cape Connect, go to Self Service, look for Student Planning. View My account to see charges, credits or balance due (if applicable), or make a payment. View My account to see charges, credits or balance due (if applicable), or make a payment. Check Financial Aid Account Information then required documents to see if there are additional institutional forms we need completed in order to determine your eligibility. If there are forms needed, they must be completed, hand-signed and either uploaded to your Self Service account or emailed to before eligibility may be determined or any potential funds may be awarded.
Classes will be available via Blackboard . Your username is your student ID# and password is your 8-digit date of birth. You should have access to your Blackboard the Friday prior to the start of class. The first thing to do once you log in is to take a look around at each class, read the course information and syllabus (Ddownloading & save the syllabus for each class). We suggest you access Blackboard on a tablet, laptop or pc. If you use the Blackboard Learn app, some functions may not be accessible.
View the tutoring schedules for the semester & set up tutoring appointments early on, to head off any difficulties. Besides, it's FREE!
Parental Roles in College
Parents are accustomed to playing an active role in their student’s education. We encourage parents and other family & friends in supporting their students. However, in the college setting parental roles change because the student has entered post secondary education. The college student is considered an adult in the eyes of the law. Parents are welcome to accompany the student when meeting with a Student Success Navigator (Advisor) or another College office, if they are invited by the student. Please note, by law (FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) we need the approval from the student to release any information to the parents. Students may add a parent as a proxy via their Self Service student account. The proxy is a designated person the student allows to have access to specific student information, for a specified period of time. This then allows the proxy to log into the student's Self Service account to access that particular information.