Admissions FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Please do not fill out another application.
If you withdrew from Atlantic Cape in good academic standing, you may re-enter at any time by registering for classes. Students who were dismissed or suspended must apply for re-admission in writing to the Director of Counseling and Support Services. Students in the Academy of Culinary Arts must request re-admission through the Dean of the Academy. Re-entry to the ACA is also contingent on available space.
Send a request for information to the Admissions Office via e-mail or by phone at (609) 343-5000 or (609) 463-3958.
Tuition and fees at Atlantic Cape are set each spring by the college's Board of Trustees for the following academic year. A full listing of all required fees, plus tuition, is available on the tuition and fees page. The typical full-time student taking 12 credits can expect to pay about $2,171.50 per semester. A student taking one three-credit course can expect to pay $569.50. An Atlantic or Cape May county student or other N.J. resident with a chargeback majoring in culinary arts taking 12 credits can expect to pay about $9,000. Out of county students will pay a higher tuition rate per credit unless they file a chargeback form each semester.
Atlantic Cape believes that effective academic planning and course selection are critical factors leading to student success. Therefore, students are encouraged to meet with Navigators/counselors, as well as faculty advisors, and discuss their academic future prior to registering for classes each semester. Successful academic planning ensures a student takes only those courses which meet their degree requirements and can help shorten the time to graduation. Advisement is available online.
Remote Instruction is a virtual way of meeting with your professor in real-time during scheduled class hours.
Online classes require you to visit Blackboard Learn several times a week to receive your assignments, complete them, and interact with fellow students via the discussion board.