Visiting Students
If you are attending other colleges and want to take a course or courses at Atlantic Cape, you may apply as a Visiting Student. You must show proof of college-level English and/or Mathematics, or show successful completion of any required prerequisites with an unofficial transcript. You must also verify that your home college will accept the course or courses you are taking prior to registration. Atlantic Cape cannot guarantee the transferability of the course if you have not received permission from your home college.
Applying as a Visiting Student
To apply as a visiting student, please apply to Atlantic Cape by submitting our Application for Admission Online. On the application, please select "Undeclared" as your program of study. Then, please send a copy of your unofficial transcript by e-mail (preferred method) to admissions@atlanticcape.edu. Please indicate which course or courses you are interested in taking. The Admissions Office will review your transcript for pre-requisite completion. Please allow one week for transcripts to be received and your account to be updated with the necessary pre-requisite waiver(s) prior to registering for classes.
After you apply to the college and submit your unofficial transcript, you will receive an acceptance letter confirming your admission to Atlantic Cape. The acceptance letter will provide important information about registering for classes as well as how to access the Atlantic Cape Connect Student Portal and your Atlantic Cape Buccaneer e-mail address. See the academic calendar for registration dates and times. Payment must be made at time of registration or students will be voided.
Available courses can be found on the college catalog and credit course guides. No log-in is required. Choose Prospective Students or Students from the main menu and select Search for Sections, then the term. Searches may be done by academic department, course number, location, meeting days or session dates.
Requesting a Transcript
Atlantic Cape Community College transcript requests are now being processed through the National Student Clearinghouse and can be requested online through their website. There is a minimal fee for this service.
Please contact register@atlanticcape.edu