Behavioral Assessment Team / Reporting System
If this is an emergency, please contact campus security at extension 5125.
Atlantic Cape strives to provide a safe and secure campus and learning environment for all members of the college community. To enhance that experience, a Behavioral Assessment Team has been established to focus on prevention and early intervention in college BAT situations involving students showing signs of disruptive or distressed behaviors. With any emergency BAT situation, contact security immediately at extension 5125.
Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to report important but not life threatening student behavior concerns via the BAT Form (Behavioral Assessment Team form). The BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team) is a cross-functional assessment group that will respond to students who are exhibiting concerning behaviors.
Behavioral Assessment Team Members
- Nancy A. Porfido - Chief Judicial Officer
- Dr. Natalie Devonish - Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Stacey D. Zacharoff - Senior Director, Center for Student Success
- Charles Mettille - Captain, Security
- Cynthia Correa - Director, Student Affairs and One Stop Services
- Kristi Collemacine - Assistant Director, CMCC Student Affairs
As Needed Members
Other college members may be asked to serve on the BAT Team in specific BAT situations as needed.
Filing a Concern with the Atlantic Cape Behavioral Assessment Team
Please use the link below to fill out the form to report your concerns. Please provide a detailed description of the incident/concern. Use specific, concise, and objective language.
Fill out Maxient/BAT reporting form
Your web browser must be updated for this form to display properly.
If you experience any difficulties (error messages) submitting your student concern through BAT, please forward your concern via email to Nancy A. Porfido.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is BAT? BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team) is a multidisciplinary team that meets on a regular basis to review and respond to reports of student behavior that may pose a threat of self-harm or a threat to the college community.
- Who can make a referral? Anyone who feels a student behavior is concerning can make a BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team) referral, including students, parents, faculty staff and community members.
- What happens after I make a referral? The BAT Team members evaluate the information and make a decision about whether the student should be assessed /interviewed. Reporting is the most critical step.
- How will I know if the BAT situation has been addressed? BAT will address every report that is submitted to the team. Intervention by the BAT members typically involves handling confidential information, so those filing the report will not necessarily know the resolution of the BAT situation.
- What happens to students in the BAT process? BAT provides students with confidential, respectful, proactive support while offering resources and balancing the educational needs of students with the mission of Atlantic Cape.
- How do I know if a concerning behavior is a BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team) issue, or is more appropriately handled by other campus resources? You do not have to make that determination. The most critical step is that you report the concerning behavior by submitting the Online referral form or by contacting Nancy A. Porfido at porfido@atlanticcape.edu or (609) 343-5095.
If another campus resource is more appropriate, BAT will refer the student and handle the transfer of information.