Faculty Governance & Committee

Faculty Governance

Collegiate Assembly

The Collegiate Assembly of Atlantic Cape Community College concerns itself with academic matters and is advisory to the President of the college through the office of the Senior Vice-President of Academic Affairs.

All full-time teaching faculty, full-time culinary educators, counselors, and librarians are voting members. 

The Collegiate Assembly By-Laws stipulate all matters pertaining to the faculty governance and committee structure.

Faculty Committees

Expand the "+" to view functions, annual membership, and other pertinent information for each standing committee.

Atlantic Cape employees may access annual committee charges, meeting minutes, and reports through the Faculty Committees shared folder.


  • To prepare agendas for the Collegiate Assembly.
  • To make and process all charges to college committees in conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  • To report all recommendations of the Collegiate Assembly to appropriate administrators.
  • To recommend to the President of the college through the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs on the appointment of faculty and staff to all college non-elected, standing committees.
  • To create and dissolve Collegiate Assembly committees and appoint new members.
  • To review and recommend to the President of the college through the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs on the membership, function, and procedures of the college, elected and non-elected, standing committees.

View Faculty By-Laws for additional information on the election of and role of CAEC members. 

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Judith Otterburn-Martinez - CHAIR World Languages 5/26 (2nd term)
Rich Perello (Secretary) Science 5/25
Dr. Bojan Zilovic ISASB 5/26
Heather Boone Social Science 5/26
Dr. Laurie Lemons (Vice Chair) Science 5/26
Richard Russell (Secretary) English 5/27
Lynette Ingram Counseling 5/27


  • To promote awareness of and sensitivity to the identities and needs of all human beings regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, and ability.
  • To suggest strategies that support an inclusive and culturally-sensitive classroom environment and college community.

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Cheryl Knowles-Harrigan Arts & Humanities 5/26 (2nd term)
Annmarie Chelius ACA & Hospitality 5/25
Dr. Otto Hernandez ISASB (Chair) 5/25
Danielle Nicastro Nursing and Health Sciences 5/25
Dr. Christopher Carbone Science 5/26

Jill Acevedo

Nursing and Health Sciences 5/26
Madeline Barrows - CHAIR Social Science 5/27 (2nd term)
Effie Russell English 5/27
Al Jou Mathematics 5/27
Tim Cwik ISASB (Aviation Chair) 5/27
Emanuel Neil Counseling 5/27
Cynthia Correa Director, Student Affairs and One Stop Services Advisory
Nora Keenan Director, Center for Accessibility Advisory
Rashawn Martin Director, Student Support Services Advisory


  • To develop, review, and advise on academic policies, procedures and standards.
  • To study and recommend methods of evaluation for hiring, retention, and promotion of faculty members and administrators.
  • To evaluate, review and assist in college publications (faculty handbook, college catalog, student handbook, faculty adviser's handbook) for accuracy and consistency in statements of college policy.
  • To concern itself with all questions pertaining to high academic standards and establishing criteria for grading standards, criteria for admission, evaluation of transfer credit, awarding of honors and academic probation.
  • To act as a review board for student academic appeals and students requesting review of academic status, modification of graduation requirements, readmission, and reevaluation of transfer of credit. Recommendations of action on these requests will be forwarded to the Deans.
  • To recommend new policies concerning the above stated responsibilities.

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Dean Wyks Social Science 5/26 (2nd term)
Kenneth Cabarle Science 5/25
Linda Wohlman ACA & Hospitality 5/25
Carolyn Coulter (Chair) Social Science 5/26
Amy Shelton Mathematics 5/27 (2nd term)
Geralyn Michelfelder Nursing & Health Sciences (Chair) 5/27 (2nd term)
Mark Camma ISASB 5/27
Christopher Weisbecker Arts & Humanities 5/27
Huiching Wang Nursing & Health Sciences 5/27
Najah Jones Counseling 5/27
Mike Sargente Assistant Director, LAC and Library Services Advisory
Alonna Brown Director EOF and Assistant Director CSS Advisory


  • To ensure and maintain integrity in the academic credit courses offered by Atlantic Cape Community College. This includes those on-campus, in hybrid environments, online, and those offered off-campus.
  • To review agreements, policies, courses of action, and delivery of dual credit, concurrent enrollment, and articulation agreements for courses offered to high school students. 
  • To explore methods of collaboration with high school administration and faculty.

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Erin Delong Nursing and Health Sciences 5/25
Lauree Klein Counseling 5/25
Dr. Beth Sanders-Rabinowitz (Co-Chair) Social Science (Chair) 5/25
Janet Marler (Co-Chair) English 5/25
Claude Fortune Mathematics 5/26
Michele Togashi ISASB 5/26
John Stratton Science (Chair) 5/26
Hana Bajes Science 5/27
Jennie Field Arts and Humanities 5/27
Stacey Zacharoff Dean of Students Advisory
Janet Hauge Director, Academic Support Services Advisory
Kayla Scannell Senior Manager, Early College Programs Advisory


  • To develop a college-wide assessment plan that reflects input from all academic departments.
  • To review recent reports submitted to Middle States and determine areas of college needs in terms of assessment.
  • To communicate regularly with all academic departments regarding yearly assessment process. Members shall periodically report to their respective departments about the committee's activities and progress and ask for comments and suggestions.
  • To review all assessments submitted by faculty.
  • To conduct a faculty workshop(s) on classroom assessment methods.
  • To keep apprised of current materials on outcomes assessment.

Assessment Site

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Lee Collins (Co-Chair) Mathematics 5/25 (2nd term)
Deborah Dagrosa Nursing and Health Sciences 5/25
Anthony Esposito ISASB 5/25
Dr. Karl Giulian ISASB 5/25
Ruth LaTorre ACA and Hospitality 5/25
Donna Marie McElroy Social Science 5/26 (2nd Term)
Susan DePhilippis (Co-Chair) World Languages 5/26
Dr. Augustine Nigro Arts and Humanities (Chair) 5/26
Dr. Ashley Sullivan Social Science 5/26
Dr. Raymond Keller Science 5/26
Nina Brannigan Nursing & Health Sciences (LPN Chair) 5/26
Jay Peterson English (Chair) 5/26
Michael DiCamillo Library 5/27
Luis Montefusco Senior Director, Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning Advisory
Dr. Gwen Setley Director, Academic Program Effectiveness Advisory


  • To recommend new policies and courses of action for dual enrollment courses delivered in high schools as needed.
  • To receive and review new and existing programs and courses, or changes thereto.
  • To review existing curricula and courses and to make such recommendations as seem appropriate.
  • To review and evaluate the number, descriptions, credit hours, contact hours and course prerequisites.
  • To make recommendations concerning general education. The General Education Subcommittee shall make all recommendations to the Curriculum committee regarding general education requirements and be responsible to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the general education program of the college.
  • To act as the sole faculty entity to monitor Atlantic Cape's overall general education program and courses regarding its identity and description, policies, procedures, and compliance requirements.
  • To forward compliance issues/needs to the sponsoring department for correction.

2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Vincent Tedeschi ACA and Hospitality 5/25
Jim Taggert ISASB 5/25
Michelle Leacott Mathematics 5/26
Gwen McIntyre World Languages 5/26
Rita Michalenko Arts and Humanities 5/26
Stephanie Natale-Boianelli English 5/26
Joanna Johns Nursing & Health Sciences 5/27 (2nd term)
James Sacchinelli (Chair) Science 5/27 (2nd term)
TBA Registrar, Enrollment Services Advisory
Laura Campbell Manager, Curriculum & Publications Advisory
Rotating Dean, Academic Affairs Advisory


Procedures and Forms:

Only full-time faculty from academic areas and departments may submit proposals to the committee. Programs without full-time faculty may be represented by their dean or immediate supervisor with prior notice to the Curriculum committee. Submissions must be made on the appropriate forms.

All experimental courses must be approved by the committee. The Curriculum committee will not consider changing any experimental course to a permanent status until the course has been taught one full semester or session. An evaluation report must be filed with the committee within thirty (30) days after completion of the course. This report will be considered at the first meeting of the committee after receipt of the report.

Normally, an experimental course is taught only one semester. An experimental course may be taught for a subsequent semester under the following conditions:

  1. The course must have the approval of the department.
  2. The department must report such intention to the committee for approval before scheduling.

Programs offered at Atlantic Cape shall be responsive to the needs of the community's citizens, business and industry. They shall be established upon the basis of research and studies indicating that needs exist and shall be modified or discontinued as those needs change.

Academic departments may submit course proposals to the committee. Department review and approval by department faculty shall occur before the changes or proposals are submitted to the Curriculum committee. The person initiating the proposal must be present at the meeting.

If a new course is to be offered for only one semester, Form C, "New Course to be Offered One Time Only," must be completed and submitted to the Curriculum committee. The course may not be offered a second time without submission of Form A, "New Program, Certificate, Course or General Education Course," and the approval of the Curriculum committee.

Transmittal Forms:

For all Forms and Resources listed below, please email Laura Campbell or access the Curriculum Forms & Standard Syllabus Template shared folder.

  • Form A: New Program
  • Form A: New Course
    • Standardized Syllabus Template (rev. 5/2024)
    • Bloom's Taxonomy Information
    • Course-level Definitions
  • Form B: Program or Course Change
  • Form C: New Course to be offered one time only
  • Form D: Request General Education Course Status

General Education Subcommittee

Functions & Procedures
  • To work as an ad hoc subcommittee of the Curriculum committee.
  • To act as the sole faculty entity to review and recommend general education course status for all new and/or existing Atlantic Cape Community College courses requesting such. Proposals that DO NOT meet established general education criteria will be returned to the sponsoring department with recommended changes for resubmission to the General Education Subcommittee. Proposals that DO meet established general education criteria will then be forwarded to the Curriculum committee as one part of its submission application for adoption.
  • To act as the sole faculty entity to monitor Atlantic Cape Community College's overall general education program and courses regarding its identity and description, policies, procedures, and compliance requirements.
  • To forward compliance issues/needs to the sponsoring department for correction.


2024-2025 Membership

Name Department Term Expires
Keith Forrest Arts and Humanities 5/27
Neera Desai Mathematics 5/27
Dr. Francis Toriello Science 5/27
Bill Dougherty ISASB 5/27
Jeanine DiNardo (Chair) ACA and Hospitality 5/27
Vickie Melograno English 5/27
Dennis Jones Counseling 5/27
Michael Bolicki Social Science 5/27
Leslie Murtha Library 5/27
Noelle Gaetano Nursing and Health Sciences 5/27
Jerome Ingram Assistant Director, First-year Experience Advisory


  • To review technology proposals.
  • To make recommendations and represent faculty interests on all college-wide technology related committees.
  • To research new technologies and advise faculty and administration on issues related to technology.
  • To provide a forum for discussion of issues related to technology.

*In the 2024-2025 academic year, members will serve on the Cross-Functional Technology Committee.

2024-2025 Membership*

Name Department Term Expires
Svetlana Marzelli ISASB 5/25
Dr. Kathryn Frew English 5/25