Faculty Standing Committees
Operating Procedures
All assembly committees will report to Faculty Assembly. All policy recommendations and procedural changes will be reported to the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will determine which items are of sufficient general importance to merit discussion and approval by the Faculty Assembly. Committees will report fully to the individuals or groups designated at least once a semester.
Members shall be appointed by the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee. Exception: Curriculum Committee membership is selected by the departments. Members will serve a maximum of two 3-year terms. All standing committees should have representation from each academic department if possible. In the event full representation is not possible, the Faculty Assembly Executive committee will determine standing committee assignments. Further, the Executive Committee has the authority to extend or shorten terms to address these and other circumstances that may arise. If academic department representation is impossible on all standing committees, the Executive Committee will determine committee assignments. Committee work is considered part of a faculty member's responsibilities.
Minutes and Reports
Each committee shall make its minutes and reports available via the Faculty Assembly Web site to the President's Office, Chairperson of Faculty Assembly Executive Committee, Secretary of Faculty Assembly Executive Committee, Deans, College Relations, permanent committee files and its own members. Committees will distribute copies of their minutes or notify that such has been posted to the Web site as indicated in each committee description. Committees will publish an agenda at least three working days in advance of meetings. These agenda will include the time and place of meetings and major discussion items.
Committees will upload all reports and minutes to the committee web site.
All charges to college committees will be made and processed through the Faculty Assembly Executive committee.
Committee chairpersons will be empowered to create subcommittees or ad hoc committees as needed to fulfill their functions. Members of subcommittees and ad hoc committees need not be members of the full committee.
Any committee member who misses two consecutive meetings for reasons other than illness, bereavement, or official college business, or other reasons acceptable to the chairperson of the committee, shall be removed from the committee, and this information shall be forwarded to the chairperson of the Faculty Assembly Executive