Procedure No. 702.10
Description: Central Stores Non-Perishables
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
It is the responsibility of Business Services to oversee the purchases, distribution, and maintenance of inventory records for all non-perishable supplies at Atlantic Cape Community College. Non perishable goods include all office supplies, and copier toners and dispersants.
A. Office supplies
All supplies are distributed from Central Stores to College personnel through the use of the Office Supplies Requisition. The requisition must display the following:
date of requisition
department name and budget number
name of requisitioner
quantity required on each item
All supply requisitions are completed and delivered within 24 hours if supplies are available.
A forty-eight (48) hour notice is needed for deliveries and orders will be complete within this time frame. Delays will only occur if the shipment has not been received from the vendor.
All inventory records are maintained in the Central Stores area and activity is reported on three separate records: 1) disbursements and receipts; 2) monthly consumption record; and 3) purchase order record of supplies.
The disbursements and receipts record gives a daily report on activity of a particular item. It is a guide as to when orders should be placed with a vendor and aids in the establishment of an economic reordering point. The monthly consumption record is used for end of the month and end of the year inventory on hand. Purchase order record of supplies is used not only for the recording of the recording of a purchase order and quantity but displays a unit cost which is used for back charges to the various College departments requisitioning the items.
Central Stores Distribution No. 702.11
Print Shop No. 702.12
Mail Room No. 702.13
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