Procedure No. 702.11
Description: Central Stores Distribution
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
Standard items of office supplies are carried in inventory by the Central Stores for issue to user departments and offices upon request. Non-standard items are procured by purchase. These supplies are charged to departments/divisions at cost.
A form "Office Supplies Requisition" serves several purposes. This form shows all the items kept in stock, and it is also an order form for the user departments/divisions. There is space for ordering non-standard supplies at the end of the listed items.
Orders may be submitted at any time and will be delivered to departments/ divisions as time permits. Emergency orders may be presented and picked up in person.
This form is also used for inventory-taking and for reordering by Central Stores. It is revised from time to time as changes in usage are reflected in the standard stock.
Budgetary Charge Backs
A. Monthly Tabulation:
At the end of each month the monthly costs are tabulated by department/ division to present an overall Central Stores charge. The sheets are given to Accounting for back charges against the proper budget.
Print Shop No. 702.12
Mail Room No. 702.13
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