Procedure No. 702.12
Description: Print Shop
Revisions Approved:
It is the responsibility of the College Print Shop to provide to campus personnel efficient and timely service, provided that the incoming print requisition and attached matter to be printed are complete and accurate.
In order to facilitate a smooth operation for Non-Academic Areas, the Print Shop requires a seventy-two (72) hour lead time from receipt of the print requisition. Through the use of lead times the Print Shop is able to provide service to all parts of the campus in a fair and equal manner.
For Academic Areas the Print Shop requires a 48 hour lead time from receipt of the print requisition.
All printing requisitions must have the following data in order to have job processed correctly:
A. Date of print requisition.
B. Date needed (using proper lead time as minimum).
C. Number of pages involved.
D. Number of copies needed of each page.
E. Stock, color of paper desired, and ink color.
F. Description of the subject being printed.
G. If the printed material is to be collated, folded, padded, bound or stapled, please indicate.
H. If there are any special instructions for the printing, e.g., back-to-back, etc., please indicate.
I. Signature of the individual requesting the printing, along with a telephone extension.
J. The department or division to which the job is to be charged.
Finished work is delivered through campus mail. Work may be picked up in person after first calling to verify that it is ready. However, examinations are always hand delivered to the requisitioner by the mail carrier.
Budgetary Charge Backs
A. Monthly Tabulation:
At the end of each month the monthly costs are tabulated by department/ division to present an overall Print Shop charge. The sheets are given to Accounting for back charges against the proper budget.
Mail Room No. 702.13
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