Procedure No. 601.3
Revisions Approved:
Description: Returned Checks
If a check is returned for insufficient funds, a returned check fee is charged. If the check amount including the returned check fee is not paid within a specified period of time, a student will be dropped from courses selected.
College records will be frozen until the obligation is satisfied.
A second returned check will place a student's account in a CASH ONLY basis for all other College services including registration. Cash only includes money order, or MasterCard or Visa Payment.
Cash Over/Short No. 601.4
Cash Over/Short Log Supplement 1, No. 601.4
Student Accounts No. 601.5
Student Loans No. 601.6
Student Scholarships and Grants No. 601.7
Payment Plan No. 601.8
Chargeback Certificates for Non-County Residents No. 601.9
Refund No. 601.10
Renegotiating Perkins Loans No. 601.11
Renegotiated Payment Agreement Supplement 1, No. 601.11
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