Procedure No. 601.4
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
Description: Cash Over/Short
If a cashier should be either over or short cash on their deposit, the following procedures apply:
1. Prepare a cash receipt (using screen 405) - enter the following:
SID #00000999
Ext: 1
Code 91019
Current Term
CID: Cashier who experienced the error
Amount of Difference
Debit/Credit Indicator - if over C, if short D
Print cash receipt
2. Depending on when your cash over/short receipt is entered:
a. If prepared the same day as over/short occurs, then it would be included in that same day's deposit.
b. If you process the receipt the next business day, then you must include this receipt in your current 410 activity and note on previous 410 that error was corrected on that date
3. Document the occurrence on your Cash Over/Short Log, making sure to complete each item. (See 601.4 - Supplement 1)
4. A copy of the Cash Over/Short Log must be sent to the Finance Office at the end of the month that any occurrence should take place.
If there are any questions pertaining to these procedures, please call the Bursar at (609) 343-5105.
Cash Over/Short Log Supplement 1, No. 601.4
Student Accounts No. 601.5
Student Loans No. 601.6
Student Scholarships and Grants No. 601.7
Payment Plan No. 601.8
Chargeback Certificates for Non-County Residents No. 601.9
Refund No. 601.10
Renegotiating Perkins Loans No. 601.11
Renegotiated Payment Agreement Supplement 1, No. 601.11
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