Procedure No. 601.5
Description: Student Accounts
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
1. All tuition and fees on student accounts will be due and payable to the Bursar's Office before the start of classes each term. Exceptions may only be granted by higher authority.
2. Authorizations of grants and loans by the Financial Aid Office may be counted as payments on account even though the funding to the College is not yet accomplished.
3. The total amount due the College from student tuition and fees will be entered as "Accounts receivable" each term even though payment by students may be received simultaneously with the registration.
4. Every instance of an unpaid balance will be promptly investigated by the Bursar, and appropriate steps for collection will be followed.
5. To discourage the submission of bad checks, any individual that offers a check to the College that is not payable by the bank for any reason will be assessed a penalty charge of $25.00 for each instance (note that issuing or passing a bad check may be a misdemeanor).
6. No student will receive final credit for course work in a term as long as any part of the term bill is unpaid.
Student Loans No. 601.6
Student Scholarships and Grants No. 601.7
Payment Plan No. 601.8
Chargeback Certificates for Non-County Residents No. 601.9
Refund No. 601.10
Renegotiating Perkins Loans No. 601.11
Renegotiated Payment Agreement Supplement 1, No. 601.11
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