How to Respond to an Emergency
Emergency Procedures
If you observe a suspect or a violent criminal act you should:
- Immediately take cover
- Call 911 and Campus Security (609) 343-5125
- Flee the area with your hands above your head - In accordance with drills, be aware of potential evacuation routes.
- Alert others
- Follow law enforcement instructions
Assist law enforcement with:
- Location of assailant
- Description of assailant
- Description of property
- Type of weapon(s) and/or injuries
Fire Prevention & Procedures
The Atlantic County Fire Marshall along with security and maintenance staff conduct fire inspections on campus.
In case of fire - Here's what to do
- Keep calm
- Do not attempt to fight the fire
- If you discover a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm at pull station
- Know two exits nearest your workstation or classroom
- Follow fire department and security instructions
- Faculty are responsible for escorting students out of the building
- Assemble away from the building with your department or class
- Do not re-enter the building until advised by the security staff.