Student Guide to FERPA
Student Guide to FERPA and the Confidentiality of USA Student Education Records
Atlantic Cape Community College is required to give annual notice to students of the rights granted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.
FERPA makes four guarantees to postsecondary students. They are:
- The right to inspect and review education records.
- The right to seek and amend education records.
- The right to consent to disclosure of his or her public records.
- The right to file a complaint against any institution for the alleged violation of the FERPA rights.
Submit claims to:
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education
600 I Independence Avenue
S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605
Directory Information
FERPA permits Atlantic Cape Community College to release directory information about students. Directory information, as defined by Atlantic Cape Community College, includes:
- Name
- Classification
- Degrees Awarded
- Hometown
- Honors
- Awards
- Weight/Height of Athlete
- Sports Participation
Information can be blocked from being released by completing the "Restrict Directory Information Form" available Online and at the Enrollment Services Office on the Mays Landing campus, Building J.
Students who elect to withhold disclosure of this category of information must conduct all college business in person with a photo ID card. Such students' names will be published in the Commencement program unless the student requests exclusion in writing. Students in this category are eligible to use Web for Students for transactions including registration, which are protected by a personal identification number (PIN). Former students may not place a new request for nondisclosure of directory information on their educational records; however, they may request its removal.
Non-directory information is NEVER released without the student's WRITTEN PERMISSION. Completed forms should be returned to the Enrollment Services Office.
Requests for the release of Directory Information must be submitted in writing to the Registrar, Atlantic Cape, 5100 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330-2699.
Did you know that...
- Many web sites deposit data on your computer about your visit called "cookies?"
- When the URL begins with https:// you are on a secure web page. Before you give personal information to a Web site, verify that the page is secure?
- You should check your e-mail messages carefully prior to sending in order to avoid an embarrassing or unwanted situation?
- You should never reply to spam e-mail, for any reason. Replying to spam will guarantee that you will get more spam?
Helpful Web Sites for Privacy Information
FERPA FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Who is protected under FERPA? Students, regardless of age or status relative to parental dependency, who currently are or formerly have been enrolled in an institution of higher education. Students who have applied but have not attended an institution are not protected by FERPA.
Why don't you send my child's grades to me?
FERPA requires that students 18 years of age or older, or those enrolling in a higher education institution, provide a signed release for the institution to provide information about them beyond Directory Information. Parents of a dependent child may request information by providing documentation that the student is dependent on them.
Who is entitled to student information?
- The student
- Any party who has obtained the student's consent
- School officials who have "legitimate educational interests" as defined by the institution
- Anyone presenting a lawfully issued judicial order or subpoena
What are educational records?
With certain defined exceptions, an educational record is any record maintained by an institution, or agent of the institution, where a student can be personally identified. FERPA contains no requirement that certain records be kept at all. This is a matter of institutional policy and/or state regulation. Records may be handwritten, in the form of print, magnetic tape or disk, or any other medium. Records include transcripts or other records obtained from a school in which a student previously enrolled.
Reprinted with permission from Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers