Esports Roster

Photo Name Game(s) Year
Alexander Barr Alexander Barr Super Smash Bros/Overwatch/Call of Duty Fr
Vince Bybee Overwatch
Ethon Charles Ethon Charles Smash Bros Ultimate/Overwatch Fr
Christopher Cruz Christopher Cruz Overwatch/League of Legends Fr
James Davis James Davis Overwatch So
Hayden Heenan Hayden Heenan Overwatch Fr
Josh Hindsman Josh Hindsman Call of Duty/Overwatch Fr
Josh Inman Josh Inman Call of Duty/League of Legends Fr
Jaden Mixson Fr
Thomas Nguyen Overwatch/League of Legends So
Josiah Park Overwatch Fr
Maeve Power Maeve Power Smash Ultimate So
Luis Louiza-Ramos Luis Louiza-Ramos Street Fighter Fr
Ranndy Solano Randy Solano Valorant/Call ofDuty Fr
Tina Whaley Overwatch Fr
Joseph Woodruff Joseph Woodruff Smash Bros Ultimate/Call of Duty/Overwatch So