The Federal College Work-Study Program (FCWSP)

This award allows you to work either on-campus or in designated off-campus sites. This work experience can be helpful in your search for a job after graduation. The hourly wage is based on New Jersey minimum wage.
For more information contact advising@atlanticcape.edu or (609) 625-1111 extension 5085. The work-study program is based on federal appropriations. Student may be required to stop working at anytime if federal allocations are reached.
How To Apply For a Federal Work-Study Job
After completing the FAFSA, the Financial Aid Office can determine if you are eligible to participate in the program. You must be taking at least 6 credits for the semester.
If interested, see the Financial Aid Office to get a work-study eligibility slip. If eligible you will then be sent to Advising (MLC) to complete an application for employment. Return your completed application, along with any necessary documentation in order to process your application.
You will next be contacted by the Work-Study Coordinator to discuss your application and potential job availability.
You may work up to 18 hours per week and 26 hours (with Fin. Aid approval) during holiday or spring breaks. You may not work during your final exams without permission from your supervisor. It is important to note that this is a job position that students are required to be responsible and professional at all times.
Employment is not guaranteed and may be stopped at any time, as student workers are at-will employees. Hours worked are submitted via the student's Self Service account and payment is bi-weekly, mainly via direct deposit.