Procedure No. 915.4
Description: Equipment Installation
Adopted: 04/23/96
Reaffirmed: 9/30/19
The installation of special equipment ordered by the departments/ divisions or activities for laboratories, offices, or classrooms usually impose some work requirement on Facilities Management. This may involve electrical and/or other utility connections, such as special drainage and venting, heating, cooling, humidity control, or other environmental factors and special controls specific to the particular equipment operation. Location with respect to existing and/ or required operational requirements, physical space, and access to the area involved also require early considerations and coordination.
When the purchase of such equipment is contemplated by a department/ division or activity, Facilities Management must be contacted in order to verify that the operational characteristics of the equipment to be ordered are compatible with existing utilities in the building or can be reasonably provided and any other limitations reconciled prior to equipment being ordered. Any installation materials to be provided by Facilities Management, i.e. special wiring, connections, ducts, and vents, must be determined at this time. All costs shall be billed to the respective department.
As much advance notice as possible as to expected delivery date and required operational date must be furnished Facilities Management to facilitate scheduling of installation. This will not only assist in timely scheduling but will preclude undue delays in placing these equipment items in service.
Moving Furniture, Equipment and Events Set-ups No. 915.5
Equipment Relocation Request Form Supplement 1, No. 915.5
Vehicle Accessibility No. 915.6
Vehicle Request Form Supplement 1, No. 915.6
Driver Summary Form for Insurance Purposes Supplement 2, No. 915.6
Fuel Dispensing Control No. 915.7
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