Procedure No. 915.6
Area: Facilities Management
Description: Vehicle Use
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 9/30/19; 5/14/24
The purpose of this Procedure is to establish standards with shall:
- Help ensure the safe operation of Atlantic Cape Community College (“College”) owned, leased, or rented motor vehicles as well as personal vehicles on College business;
- Help ensure the safety of drivers and passengers, and;
- Help minimize losses, damages, and claims against the College.
- College employee - for the purposes of this Procedure, a College employee is a member of the faculty (including adjunct faculty), staff (Full-time and part-time), or is a third-party temporary contract worker (such as construction workers or contracted armed security officers).
- College vehicle - for the purposes of this procedure, College vehicle shall mean any van, car, minivan, sport utility vehicle, dump truck etc., that requires the driver to have a valid driver’s license to operate and is owned or leased/rented by the College and does not include mowers or motorized utility carts (“MUCs”).
- Driver - a currently employed College employee as defined above that is 21 years of age or older, that has a valid New Jersey driver’s license and a good driving record as defined in Section VII below and that has received proper approval to drive a College vehicle.
- This Procedure covers all College-owned or leased/rented cars, trucks, vans, buses and other motor vehicles and which are kept in service by the Maintenance Department. When available, these vehicles may be used by College employees for College-related purposes.
- Drivers of College vehicles must be aged 21 or over and can be those who:
- Operate College vehicles (or personal vehicles) as an essential part of their job or College sponsored activity, or;
- Rent vans or other rental vehicles for College sponsored activity.
- Third party temporary employees such as construction contractors or armed security officers, must have their Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) cleared by their employer, and the results communicated to Human Resources prior to their hire date if operating a College vehicle is an essential function of the position.
- This Procedure applies to the use of College vehicles including mobile equipment. These Procedures do not apply to lawn mowers or MUCs operated by College employees. For information regarding travel, refer to the Policy 602 and related Procedures https://www.atlantic.edu/about/policy/602.php.
- Upon extending an offer of employment to any person whose job responsibilities involve operating a College vehicle as an essential function of their job such as in Security, Facilities or Athletics; Human Resources will check NJ Motor Vehicle Commission (“MVC”) records to verify that the employment candidate meets this Procedure’s definition of a “driver”.
- Once hired, an employee’s MVC records will be periodically reviewed by the College Compliance Officer.
- A safe driving history is determined by Human Resources or the College Compliance Officer.
- Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) which include motor vehicle accident reports (including College Public Safety reports) and other reports may be used to make the determination.
- New Jersey MVRs are obtained by Human Resources or the College Compliance Officer.
- The following convictions will make an employee ineligible to drive for the College:
- A currently suspended or revoked license;
- Driving while intoxicated within the past 5 years;
- Driving while ability impaired within the past 5 years;
- Reckless driving within the past 3 years;
- Using a motor vehicle to commit a felony;
- Leaving the scene of an accident;
- Three (3) or more moving violations or preventable accidents within the past 3 years, or;
- Two (2) or more moving violations or preventable accidents within the past year.
- Accidents which occur on College business will be reviewed by the Security Director according Section X below.
- Drivers of vehicles used for College business are required to:
- Report any change in safe driving history, immediately to Human Resources (for employees). If the license is revoked or suspended, operating privileges will be immediately terminated;
- Wear seat belts at all times and require passengers to wear them. Under no circumstances should the number of passengers exceed the number of seat belts;
- Possess the legal class license required for the vehicle being driven;
- Not allow drinking of alcoholic beverages and/or use of legal or controlled substances or any other intoxicant in a College vehicle at any time;
- Not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or use of legal or controlled substances or any other intoxicant in a College vehicle at any time;
- Operate College vehicles in accordance with applicable local and federal laws and College procedures;
- Never transport passengers that are not affiliated with the College, such as hitchhikers, family members or friends for unauthorized use;
- Use only hands-free technology with cellular phones. Ear buds and ear phones shall not be used while driving;
- Refrain from texting and other use of electronic devices while driving;
- In the event of an accident, do NOT establish blame. Follow the instructions in Appendix B, and;
- Immediately report all accidents/damages to Security at 609-343-5125 and your supervisor if you are in an accident while on College business. If you break down or experience a flat tire, get to a safe place and notify Security immediately. Do not try to make repairs or change a tire yourself.
- Traffic or parking violations and citations incurred while driving on College business are the sole responsibility of the driver.
- Any Department to which a College vehicle is assigned, is responsible for the oversite and supervision of the use of those vehicles.
- Departments to which vehicles are assigned are responsible to ensure that:
- Only those individuals who have met the eligibility requirements are permitted to operate a College vehicle and that vehicles are used solely for approved College Business. (see Section III and V above);
- College vehicles are not modified to include equipment such as trailers, cargo racks and other devices which have not been provided by the vehicle manufacturer and or the College, and;
- A current list of eligible drivers is maintained. Lists must be purged annually to remove drivers who are no longer at the college or are eligible to drive a College vehicle. If a driver that has not been previously approved to operate a College vehicle wishes to reserve a vehicle, the Department Director must contact the Compliance Officer to check MVC records and establish eligibility prior to allowing the driver to operate the vehicle.
- Departments to which College vehicles are assigned are responsible for ensuring that the materials listed below are maintained in each College vehicle:
- Vehicle Registration (A copy should also be retained in the Department);
- “If an Accident Happens” (Appendix B);
- Insurance Identification Card (Obtained from Facilities Maintenance), and;
- A copy of this Procedure.
- Faculty and staff authorized to rent a vehicle for use on College business are required to follow the same Procedures set forth in this document.
- In the event of an accident involving a rented vehicle, the affected Department shall immediately notify Security (or immediately after notifying the local police). An Accident Review is to be conducted as outlined in Section X.
- Employees on official College business driving personally owned automobiles are required to be properly licensed and sufficiently protected by personal liability and collision insurance at their own expense. The College will not reimburse fines incurred for traffic, toll or parking violations for personally owned vehicles.
- According to College's travel policy, College advises the use of your personal automobile only if the itinerary or other aspects of university business make it the most practical method of travel. A personal vehicle is recommended for local travel within a radius of approximately 100 miles from the College. Mileage reimbursement should be claimed by the employee for such use.
- Employees who use their personal vehicles on College business are subject to the same Policies and the Procedures set forth in this document. Maintenance, insurance and registration of personal vehicles are the responsibility of the employee.
- When it becomes necessary (with Department's approval), for a College employee to use his/her own car for College business travel, the employee's personal auto insurance policy is the primary insurance coverage. In the event of an accident, this insurance should respond to bodily injury or property damage claims made by third parties. It may also cover the physical damage to the employee's car if the employee has elected to maintain that type of coverage. Any deductibles become the responsibility of the employee.
- In the event of an accident involving the use of an employee's personal vehicle on College business, please report this accident to Security and your supervisor immediately (or immediately after notifying the local police).
- In the event of an accident involving a College vehicle off campus, immediately notify the local or state police and Security (609-343-5125) and your supervisor. Explicit instructions for such an event, with report forms and insurance information, will be found in the glove compartment of each College vehicle.
- In the event of an accident involving a College vehicle on campus, immediately notify Security (609-343-5125) and your supervisor. Explicit instructions for such an event, with report forms and insurance information, will be found in the glove compartment of each College vehicle. The exception is when an accident involves serious and/or life-threatening injuries-dial 911 immediately, then notify Security.
- In the event of an accident with a College or rented vehicle or a personal vehicle being utilized on College business, the Security Director shall review the details of the accident.
Appendix B
If an Accident Happens
(A copy is to be given to each driver along with the keys to the vehicle)
- STOP – New Jersey state law requires that you stop when involved in an accident for the purpose of exchanging information.
- Notify Police – Call 911 and request police assistance. Give your precise location and request whatever emergency equipment is needed.
- Protect the Scene – Prevent further accidents by moving off the roadway, if possible.
- Comfort the Injured.
- Cooperate – Assist the police. Do not argue with other involved parties. Do not assign blame. Without embellishment or opinion, relay to the police only the facts pertaining to your knowledge of the incident and do not assume that you know all of the factors leading to the incident. Allow the professionals responsible for investigating the accident to do so.
- Notify Security at 609-343-5125 and your supervisor immediately
- Exchange Information – Get a copy of the police report. If for some reason the police do not respond, exchange name, address, phone number, vehicle make, model and year, insurance company and policy number with the other driver(s).
If an Accident Happens on campus:
- STOP – New Jersey state law requires that you stop when involved in an accident for the purpose of exchanging information.
- Notify Security at 609-343-5125 and your supervisor immediately. If there are life threatening injuries, immediately Notify Police – Call 911 and request police assistance. Give your precise location and request whatever emergency equipment is needed.
If there are no or only minor injuries, Security will notify the Police.
- Protect the Scene – Prevent further accidents by moving off the roadway, if possible.
- Comfort the Injured.
- Cooperate – Assist the police. Do not argue with other involved parties. Do not assign blame. Without embellishment or opinion, relay to the police only the facts pertaining to your knowledge of the incident and do not assume that you know all of the factors leading to the incident. Allow the professionals responsible for investigating the accident to do so.
- Exchange Information – Get a copy of the police report. If for some reason the police do not respond, exchange name, address, phone number, vehicle make, model and year, insurance company and policy number with the other drivers.
Vehicle Request Form Supplement 1, No. 915.6
Fuel Dispensing Control No. 915.7
See Also:
Business Services Policy No. 708Back to the Policies and Procedures Main Menu