Procedure No. 900.2
Description: Backcharges for Services/Materials
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 9/30/19
Materials to be ordered - Departments requiring Facilities Management to order materials for or on behalf of them should proceed as follows:
Often Facilities Management is requested to purchase materials for other departments or to provide services which require the acquisition of chargeable materials. These are generally materials which are determined and initiated by Facilities Management.
Facilities Management will direct charge or backcharge these materials to the budget provided by the requester.
Departmental Services - Chargeable services as defined in Policy No. 901 "Classification of Services" shall be provided as the same format indicated in the aforementioned "Materials to be Ordered".
Purchase Requisition Backcharge Supplement 1, No. 900.2Authorization of Backcharge Supplement 2, No. 900.2
Prior Approvals No. 900.3
Real Property Records No. 900.4
New Construction (New Facilities, Additions or Major Alterations) No. 900.5
New Construction (New Facilities, Additions or Major Alterations)Supplement 1, No. 900.5
Safety and Emergency Rules No. 900.6
Community Use of College Facilities No. 900.7
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