Procedure No. 900.5
Area: Facilities Management
Description: New Construction (New Facilities, Additions or Major Alterations)
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 9/30/19
- Accountability for each step of the project (see list of steps in 900.5 - Supplement 1) should be assigned to one person and this should be clearly recognized by all concerned with the project. However, one person may be responsible for more than one step. The President or his/her appointed representative should act as over-all coordinator and arbitrator.
- The College's business with the architect, consultants, and outside agencies will be handled through a single spokesperson for each. This does not preclude consultations, but in all matters of final decision the College will "speak with one voice." However, following customary practice, the architect will be the spokesperson for the College with construction contractors and engineers.
New Construction (New Facilities, Additions or Major Alterations)Supplement 1, No. 900.5
Safety and Emergency Rules No. 900.6
Community Use of College Facilities No. 900.7
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