Procedure No. 210.2
Student Complaint- Continued Process for Improvements Informed by Complaint Log Assessment
Adopted: 1/9/18
Revised: 10/8/24
The Dean of Students Office and Office of Academic Affairs will maintain an electronic file of each complaint, its nature, and resolution.
Complaint Logs will be summarized by the Dean of Students and Office of Academic Affairs and provided to the President’s Cabinet for review once a semester. Cabinet Members will review the logs for analysis of trends and emerging themes. This data will be utilized to inform revisions in necessary policies and procedures via feedback-loop methodology.
If any trends or themes are reported, it is the responsibility of the applicable Cabinet Members to collaborate in the development of a formal plan of action to address the concerns.
The respective formal plans will be shared with the full Cabinet.
Student Complaint- Process for Filing a Complaint No. 210.1
Student Complaint Log
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