Procedure No. 210.1
Student Complaint-Process for Filing a Complaint
Adopted: 1/9/18
Revised: 10/8/24
Students with questions regarding the applicable procedure to follow for a particular complaint should call the Center for Student Success at (609) 343-5667.
Students are encouraged to resolve all complaints at the lowest possible level. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the initial level, the student can submit a formal complaint in writing (utilizing an online complaint form). A complaint must be based on a claimed violation of a College rule or policy that has not been resolved through initial department.
Any student who brings a complaint has the burden of proof and must provide documentation and evidence to support the allegation. A complaint should be filed within 10 working days of the incident or incidents. The student should put his or her complaint in writing according to the following guidelines:
For academic-related complaints, the student will submit the complaint in writing (utilizing an online complaint form). The designee will ensure that the complaint receives an initial response within 10 working days. The student may appeal the response in writing to the Chief Academic Officer within 10 days. The results of complaints appealed at this level are final and may not be further appealed. The Office of Academic Affairs will keep on file an electronic file of each complaint, its nature, and resolution.
For non-academic complaints, the student will submit the complaints in writing (utilizing an online complaint form). The Dean of Students will ensure that the complaint receives an initial response within 10 working days. The student may appeal the response in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and Student Affairs within 10 days. The results of complaints appealed at this level are final and may not be further appealed. The Dean of Students Office will keep an electronic file of each complaint, its nature, and resolution.
Student Complaint- Continued Process for Improvement Informed by Complaint Log Assessment No. 210.2
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