Procedure No. 202.1
Description: Determining Applicable Residency Classification
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 8/3/10
Reaffirmed: 04/14/2020
The following classifications of students will be recognized for purposes of records, fees, and other identification characteristics:
- County Residents: A resident of Atlantic or Cape May County will be a person who has been permanently domiciled in Atlantic or Cape May counties for a period of at least six (6) months or more prior to the first day of instruction in the semester for which he/she has applied. Persons owning property in Atlantic or Cape May counties who have not been permanently domiciled as defined above will not be classified as residents. Applicants who are not recent graduates of Atlantic or Cape May county high schools will be required to submit evidence of having been domiciled in Atlantic or Cape May counties. According to New Jersey State regulation 9A:5-1.2, Evidence of Domicile may be demonstrated as follows:
- Copies of the student 's New Jersey income tax return or evidence of withholding of New Jersey income tax, and/or copies of the parent's(s') or legal guardian's(s') income tax return or evidence of withholding of income tax.
- Evidence of ownership of or a long-term lease on a permanent residence in this State by the student or the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
- A student may present and/or an institution may require supplementary evidence of being domiciled in New Jersey, which may include the following:
- A New Jersey driver 's license;
- A New Jersey motor vehicle registration;
- A New Jersey voter registration card;
- A sworn, notarized statement from the student and/or his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) declaring domicile in New Jersey.
- Any other supplementary evidence that the institution deems necessary to support the student 's claim of domicile in New Jersey, including, but not limited to, evidence regarding the domicile of a student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) for students whose domicile is determined by the institution to be with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
- If primary evidence of domicile is not available due to loss or destruction of records or other unusual circumstances, the institution may make a determination based exclusively on supplementary evidence. In every instance, the institution shall keep with the student's records copies of the evidence it used in determining domicile pursuant to this section.
- Out-of-County Residents: An out-of-county resident will be a person who has maintained a permanent residence in the State of New Jersey, as evidenced by a certificate of residence for one year or more and who has maintained a permanent domicile for six (6) months or more in a county other than Atlantic or Cape May counties prior to the first day of instruction in the semester for which admission is requested.
- Out-of-State Residents: An out-of-state resident will be a person who maintains a permanent domicile in a state other than New Jersey, and a person who has maintained a permanent domicile in New Jersey for a period of less than six (6) months.
- International Students: Foreign students will be citizens of foreign countries (with student visas) who qualify for admission in all other respects. They may be accepted on a space-available basis and will be charged at the foreign student rate. International students wishing to attend Atlantic Cape are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and deposit into their student account the tuition cost for one year before Atlantic Cape will issue a Student Visa, I-20. This policy applies to all international students whether applying for the academic year beginning in the Fall or Spring semester.
Tuition: International students will be charged the international student rate for their first 24 earned college credits at Atlantic Cape. The tuition rate thereafter shall be at the Atlantic or Cape May county resident rate.
Chargeback: International Students are not New Jersey county residents and are therefore not eligible for county chargebacks. No chargeback required.
Articulation Agreements: International Students enrolled in high school programs that have an articulation agreement with Atlantic Cape may apply those credits toward satisfying Atlantic Cape's 24 college credit rule for International Students. Students entering the College through this process will be charged the international student rate their first semester and each semester thereafter until the 24 credit rule is satisfied. - International Visitors: Individuals entering the United States as visitors may enroll at Atlantic Cape provided their visa does not expire before classes end for the applicable term of enrollment. Students in this category not applying for a Student Visa (F-1) pay the regular application fee and register at the international student tuition rate.
See Also:
Policy No. 213 General Admission
Procedure No. 602.1 Tuition and Fees
Policy No. 606 Guidelines for Determining Chargeback Eligibility
Procedure No. 606.1 Chargeback Calculations
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