Procedure No. 602.1
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 8/13/24
Refunds for Dropped Courses
Courses must be officially dropped during the stated refund period for the semester. Courses can be dropped online through Atlantic Cape Connect/ Self Service or in person at any Atlantic Cape location. Failure to attend a course does not constitute an official drop, and students will remain responsible for all tuition and fee charges. Refund amounts are determined by the official drop date recorded on the student’s account.
Refunds are calculated based upon the start of the semester, not the start of the class meeting.
A full refund (100%) of tuition and fees will be made to students completing the proper course drop process prior to the first day of the semester.
A full refund (100%) of tuition and fees will be made to students completing the proper course drop process during the first five (1-5) business days of the full semester. Mini terms will be prorated, please refer to the refund dates published in the respective Academic Calendar.
A fifty percent refund (50%) of tuition and fees will be made to students completing the proper course drop process during the second five (6-10) business days of the full semester.
Mini terms will be prorated, please refer to the refund dates published in the respective Academic Calendar. No refund will be made after the end of the refund period.
Refunds will be processed and returned in the manner in which they are received. If payment is made in more than one form, all refunds will be applied to the credit card first.
To obtain your refunds, you do not need to request the refund be processed. The Bursar’s Office regularly reviews student accounts and processes any refunds accordingly. The College does not carry or maintain credit balances.
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