Procedure No. 923.1
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 10/07/97
Description: Parking Procedures and Regulations
A current parking sticker must be displayed in the rear window, driver's side, of all vehicles parked in or on Atlantic Cape Community College properties. The stickers are available through the Security Department during the registration process, or can be obtained by visiting the Security Office in Bldg. U at Mays Landing, the Security Desk at Atlantic City or the Front Office at Cape May. Each individual shall be required to complete form 923.1 - Supplement 1 titled "Atlantic Cape Vehicle Registration Information".
Physically challenged individuals may obtain special parking stickers to permit access to designated handicap parking spaces by contacting their local municipality or the NJ Division of Motor Vehicles. Depending upon circumstances, a temporary handicap parking permit may be issued by a municipality or it may be necessary to apply to the State Division of Motor Vehicles for a permanent handicap license plate.
Vehicles parked in handicap zones without either a temporary or permanent handicap permit displayed will be issued a summons by the Hamilton Township Police.
A brochure outlining all Atlantic Cape Community College's traffic regulations is available at all Security locations and the Admissions Office. All individuals are obligated to abide by the published regulations and shall be subject to fines, towing and/or loss of parking privileges due to violations. First time offenders may be issued a warning on form 923.1 - Supplement 2 titled "Atlantic Cape Warning Ticket". Continued or serious offenses shall result in the issuance of a summons on form 923.1 - Supplement 3 titled "Campus Summons" and associated fine(s). The Security Department has the authority to freeze student records in an effort to collect fines.
Atlantic Cape Vehicle Registration Information Supplement 1, No. 923.1
Atlantic Cape Warning Ticket Supplement 2, No. 923.1
Campus Summons Supplement 3, No. 923.1
Parking Decal No. 923.2
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