Policy No. 845
Description: Rule Violation
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 3/23/10
Rules and regulations are essential to the effective operation of the college. The following rules are presented for the common guidance of all employees. They are fundamental in character and are for the convenience and protection of all.
Committing any of the following violations will be considered sufficient grounds for disciplinary action, ranging from an oral warning to immediate discharge depending on the seriousness and the frequency of the offense.
Violation | First Offense | Second Offense | Third Offense | Fourth Offense |
1. Excessive tardiness | OW | WR | S | D |
2. Excessive Absenteeism | OW | WR | S | D |
3. Careless or substandard workmanship resulting in waste, spoilage or delay. | OW | WR | S | D |
4. Posting, defacing, or moving notices from college bulletin boards or other public places. | OW | WR | S | D |
5. Failure to report for accepted overtime work without a justifiable reason, or failure to promptly notify the college of such absence. | OW | WR | S | D |
6. Engaging in horseplay or scuffling. | OW | WR | S | D |
7. Leaving the work location during work shift without authorization. | OW | WR | S | D |
8. Idling, loafing, or inattention during work hours. | OW | WR | S | D |
9. Failure to properly ring time clock. | OW | WR | S | D |
10. Failure to notify the college on each day of unscheduled absence. | OW | WR | S | D |
11. Using profane or obscene language or gestures. | OW | WR | S | D |
12. Violation of minor safety rules and practices. | OW | WR | S | D |
13. Misusing, damaging, or destroying college property. | WR | S | D | |
14. Gambling or unauthorized possession of gambling devices on college property. | WR | S | D | |
15. Insubordination | S | D | ||
16. Violations of major safety rules and practices. | S | D | ||
17. Sleeping or giving the impression of sleeping during work hours. | S | D | ||
18. Ringing another employee's time card. | S | D | ||
19. Falsifying or altering time cards or other records. | S | D | ||
20. Reporting to work while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or narcotics, or unauthorized possession or use of these on college property. | S | D | ||
21. Immoral conduct or indecency | S | D | ||
22. Fighting, assault, attempted assault, or threatening anyone on college property. | D | |||
23. Unexcused absence of three consecutive days. | D | |||
24. Conviction in a civil or criminal court or detention by law enforcement authorities without a reason acceptable to the college. | D | |||
25. Theft of employee or college property. | D | |||
26. Unauthorized possession of weapons or explosives on college property | D | |||
27. Any other conduct which is inconsistent with proper behavior. | Penalty to be assessed on circumstances. | |||
28. Multiple violations, whether or not simultaneous, of the foregoing rules and regulations. | Penalty to be assessed on circumstances. | |||
29. Falsification of employment application. | Penalty to be assessed on circumstances. | |||
30. Unavailability for work. | D | |||
31. Violation of the Records Privacy Statement. | Penalty to be assessed on circumstances. | |||
Violation of the Code of Ethics for College Employees. | D |
OW - Oral Warning
WR - Written Warning
S - Three-Day Suspension
D - Discharge
See Also:
ITS Policy No. 408: Safeguarding of Information
Policy No. 845, Supplement 1: Records Privacy Statement
Human Resources/Board of Trustees Policy No. 803: Code of Ethics for College Employees
Human Resources Policy No. 812: Alcoholic Beverages
Human Resources Policy No. 819: Disciplinary Action
Human Resources Procedure No. 819.1: Disciplinary Action
Human Resources Policy No. 820: Drugs and Intoxicants
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