Procedure No. 811.1
Absence Reporting
Area: Human Resources
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 7/14/09; 5/4/2023
Planned absences such as vacation, non-emergency personal leave, medical appointments, and jury duty are to be scheduled in advance utilizing the Leave Request tab in the Employee Self Service portal. Failure to receive supervisory approval prior to leave may result in denial of the leave request and applicable discipline.
In the event of an unplanned absence such as sick or emergency personal leave, employees are required to report their inability to be present for work prior to the beginning of their assigned shift utilizing the College's 24-hour automated Absence Reporting System by calling 609-646-5040. Employees are directed to their respective bargaining unit agreements to determine the amount of notice required to report an unscheduled absence.
In addition to calling the College's automated 24-hour Absence Reporting System, faculty are expected to inform their department chairperson or the Faculty Support Office of absence from the classroom.
In the event of an unanticipated or unscheduled absence of an emergency nature, the faculty member should first try to reach the chairperson or Faculty Support Office so that coverage or class cancellation procedures may be instituted. The Faculty Support Office maintains a record of unscheduled faculty absences for timely submission to the Human Resources Office.
See the Employee Handbook for additional information.
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