Procedure No. 809.1
Description: Sexual Harassment
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 7/14/09
Complaints of sexual harassment should be filed, in writing, with the college Affirmative Action Officer. Such complaints will be reviewed promptly. In investigating these complaints, the following principles will be observed:
1. The person bringing the complaint will not suffer retaliation.
2. The complaint will not be discussed with anyone else without the complainant's permission.
3. In conducting such an investigation, the rights to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected.
4. The investigation will be conducted as quickly as possible and the results reported to the complainant, the College President, and the Human Resources department if necessary.
Adapted from part 1604 - Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Sex Federal Register Vol. 45 No. 72, Friday, April 11, 1980, Page 25025.
Copies of the referenced Federal guidelines may be reviewed in the office of the college Affirmative Action Officer and in the Human Resources Department.
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