Policy No. 701
Reaffirmed: 8/20/19
Description: Professional Ethics for Purchasing
The College subscribes to and expects its agents to accept and observe the principles contained in the code of conduct for purchasing officers adopted by the National Association of Educational Buyers, as follows:
1. Give first consideration to institutional objectives and policies.
2. Obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended.
3. Cooperate with trade and industrial associations and government and private agencies engaged in promotion and development of sound business methods.
4. Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through oral or written statements, advertisements, or product samples.
5. Decline personal gifts or gratuities that might influence the purchase of materials.
6. Grant all competitive bidders equal consideration; regard each transaction on its own merit; foster and promote fair, ethical, and legal trade practice.
7. Use only by consent the original ideas and designs devised by one vendor for competitive purchasing purposes.
8. Be willing to submit any major controversy to arbitration.
9. Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions permit to everyone calling on legitimate business.
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