Policy No. 700
Purchasing Operations Principles
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 10/27/09
Procedures and the conduct of business by the Purchasing Office will be in conformity with the terms and requirements of County College Purchasing Law.
(See the Publication "County College Purchasing Law adopted on December 28, 1984 - P.L.1984, Chapter 241 1BA:64A-25.3) and amended 2002 (P.L. 1984,18A:64A - 25.3).
The Purchasing Office will always act to protect the interests and resources of the College in the setting of terms and conditions, choice of specifications, and selection of sources of supply for all its procurement activities.
- Procedure No. 700.1 - Purchasing Guidelines Procedure
- Procedure No. 700.2 - Fair and Open Process
- Procedure No. 700.3 - Contract Splitting
- Procedure No. 700.4 - Sole Source
- Procedure No. 700.5 - Bid Advertising & Awarding
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