Procedure No. 605.2
Description: Non-credit Courses
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 4/15/08
The amount of State support for the direct costs of instruction for noncredit occupational, remedial, general education and adult basic education courses shall be allocated to each county college.
• Occupational courses are courses designed to develop occupational skills geared toward securing initial employment or upgrading occupational skills.
• Remedial courses are courses in reading, writing, mathematic, and computer literacy skills designed to raise student competence in these skills to the college level.
• General education development courses are courses designed to prepare students for New Jersey high school equivalency diplomas.
• Adult basic education courses are courses designed to teach reading, writing, mathematic, and computer literacy skills to adults whose inability to speak, read, or write the English language constitutes a substantial impairment to obtaining or retaining employment commensurate with their ability.
Enrollment Data No. 605.3
Audit Rules No. 605.4
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