Procedure No. 513.1
Description: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Compliance
Faculty and staff of Atlantic Cape Community College, and other researchers not employed by the College, who are conducting research studies that involve students or the use of institutional data, must secure prior approval from the College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Board exists to assist the researcher in respecting and protecting the rights and welfare of student subjects and the Institution.
The College’s policy regarding Protection of Human Subjects applies to all research activities performed by any member of the College community and to all educational development, training and improvement or other related activities containing a research, evaluation and/or development component. The Dean of Institutional Research and Planning & Effectiveness will chair and appoint members to a five-member Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review applications and proposals. The Board will have the ability to approve, require modification as a condition of approval and/or to disapprove proposed activities that are not covered in this procedure.
For our purposes, research is defined as a systematic and formal investigation designed to develop or contribute to the body of knowledge about educational policies and practices and with the intent of publicizing the results. Therefore, research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal educational practices, or research involving the use of cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, or achievement test results, interviews, surveys or observations of behavior will be subject to IRB approval. Research involving the collection of data or study of existing institutional data, documents and/or records is also included. Research and demonstration projects designed to study, evaluate, or otherwise examine public benefit of programs are also covered by this policy.
The use of human or animal subjects for biomedical or behavioral research is strictly prohibited.
Criteria for Review and Approval
The IRB review is based on three broad criteria:
- Informed consent (information, clarity and voluntariness of the proposed research)
- Assessment of risks and benefits to the students and/or the institution
- Selection of students or institutional data
Application and Process
The application (Supplement 1) must state specifically what information will be required to complete the study. If human subject or student data is required, the researcher must clearly indicate what information will be required and how notice will be provided to the subjects regarding the research. The application must also state how the subjects’ informed consent will be obtained. If institutional data is requested, the researcher must clearly indicate what information will be required. An application form and a sample consent form are included in the application materials and are provided as a guide.
Adequate provisions must be provided to insure the privacy of the students and/or the institutional data and the confidentiality of the identifiable data. The application must include a description of the procedures to accomplish confidentiality: data storage, names of persons with access to the data and method of destroying the data when the study is completed.
Some requests for data are very time intensive and/or require special programming. Please be aware, costs may be associated with your request for data. If data will be collected for grant purposes, please build in programming costs in the grant budget.
A determination will be made within 30 days of receipt of a completed application.
Required Application Information
- Describe the purpose of the research and summarize the strategies used to protect students and/or institutional data. Include your research hypothesis and your research design.
Student Selection Process
- Identify the students who will be asked to participate, how you will persuade them to participate and the number of students to be involved. If you plan to advertise for volunteers, how will this be accomplished?
- Will students be selected based on identifying or specific characteristics (i.e., age, gender, race, program of study, socio-economic status, etc.)? If so, explain why.
Data Selection Process
- Identify the data you wish to access for your study. Explain why this data is necessary to accomplish your objectives.
- Will data be sorted based on identifying or specific characteristics? (i.e., as it relates to students and/or faculty, age, gender, race, program of study, town of residence, etc.) If so, explain why.
- As it relates to other institutional data, please explain and provide a rationale.
Procedures Involving Students
- Describe in detail your methods and procedures with emphasis on the steps you will follow to garner student participation.
- If you are using a standardized test or survey or a researcher-designed survey or questionnaire, attach a copy of it to this application.
Risks and Benefits
- Are there risks to the students? If so, explain.
- What are the potential benefits that will accrue from student participation?
- Are there risks to the institution? If so, explain.
- Provisions must be made to protect the privacy of students and/or the institutional data and to maintain confidentiality of identifiable information.
- Explain how your procedures will address this objective, including data storage, location and duration, access by researcher and others, and methods of destroying data when completed.
Information and Consent Forms
- Provide a letter containing the information that will be given to students about the study.
- State how their consent will be obtained. Your letter should contain a description of data storage methods that will insure confidentiality.
- Minors cannot participate in research studies without parental consent. The student’s signature is necessary. Above the student signature line, type:
“I am over 18 years of age and wish to participate in the research study of (your name) entitled (title of your study) at Atlantic Cape Community College.”
The application cover sheet can be acquired from the Dean of Institutional Research and Planning & Effectiveness.