Procedure No. 506.1
Campus Demonstrations and Gatherings
Area: General Administration
Adopted: 12/17/2020
Approval for Demonstrations
- Any use of the College campus for demonstrations requires advance approval of the College.
- Those wanting to stage a demonstration on College property must contact the Chief Business Officer to review the location, time and manner of the demonstration. Before a demonstration may take place, written permission must be granted by the Chief Business Officer. In typical situations, a decision will be made within three business days of application.
- The Chief Business Officer will advise Cabinet and the head of Security of approval of the demonstration.
- The decision will be based upon safety considerations and the operational requirements of the College without regard to the person or cause that is the subject of the demonstration.
- Any external person or organization must register with security prior to a demonstration.
Disruptive Behavior
- Atlantic Cape Community College does not allow disruptive behavior at events on its campus. “Disruption” is any action that significantly or substantially interferes with the rights of members of the academic community to go about their normal business or that otherwise interrupts the educational mission or ordinary operation of the College, such as interference with access to campus facilities and grounds, purposeful blocking of the view of others at an event; banners or other action that block the audience's view; noise or actions that disrupts the ability of the audience to hear.
- If an event is disrupted by a group or individual, a representative of the College may request the action to stop or that the person or group causing the disruption leave the event or campus or move to a different approved location. Individuals or groups who disrupt an event or fail to leave when asked are in violation of the College's policy.
These violations of College policy may result in College disciplinary proceedings against students and may also result in arrest and criminal charges or disorderly persons charges.
Location, Time, and Duration of Events
- The College will designate clearly marked areas for demonstrations on the campus. Locations will be designated that provide access to large segments of the College community while avoiding those that will likely disrupt the academic and educational mission or orderly operation of the College.
- If the event targets an issue at another approved College event that will occur simultaneously, the location of an approved demonstration will be as proximate to the other event as deemed appropriate. The following will be considered in determining the location, duration and time of an event.
- Nature of and size of the event or events.
- Public safety and security needs of the event or events.
- Vehicular traffic.
- Any other considerations set forth in this Policy.
Conduct at Demonstrations
- Demonstrators may not erect structures or tents on the College campus.
- Demonstrators may not have open fires.
- Demonstrations may not block access to any campus facility.
- Demonstrations may not block roadways, sidewalks or parking areas.
- Demonstrations utilizing pickets, large items, loud or amplified sound-making devices will be confined to the exterior of buildings so as not to disrupt regular and essential operation of the College or create health and safety issues. Sound amplification will only be allowed at the discretion of the College.
- Demonstrations may not generate noise levels that disrupt other authorized activities.
- Distribution of materials such as leaflets may not be confrontational.
- Organizers must remove all items at the end of the demonstration, including but not limited to signs, equipment, printed materials, and chairs.
- Demonstrators may not use intimidating tactics.
- Demonstrators may not infringe upon the protected rights of others.
- Demonstrators may not use unwelcome physical contact between demonstrators, counter demonstrators, the audience, the speaker or performers, or College officials. Force and violence are never permitted.
Violation of College Policy
- At any event, College authorities, including security, will endeavor to locate the leaders of a demonstration before taking any action in any situation of non-violent behavior, unless the disruption necessitates action to prevent (i) greater disturbance or confrontation, or, (ii) injury to persons or property, or (iii) acts of violence, threats of violence, or overcrowding.
- If the College security have been asked to deal with the person or persons creating a nonviolent disturbance, they will ask the person or persons to stop the disruptive behavior prior to asking that the person or persons leave the event or take any other action.
- In the event of a disruption in violation of College Policy, a statement will be read by an appropriate designated official of the College. The official statement follows:
- Any demonstration that interferes with the freedom of members of the academic community to go about their normal business or interrupts the operations of the College constitutes a disruption and violates College Policy. It is necessary for me as a duly authorized officer of Atlantic Cape Community College charged with responsibility in this matter to inform you that your present action constitutes a disruption and is in violation of both state law and College Policy. I advise you that you must desist from this present disruption within ten minutes or be subject to prosecution under the laws of the state and the Code of Student Conduct, including possible suspension from the College. I further advise you that any agreement reached by an administrator while under duress or restraint will not be honored by the College.
- In addition to punishment for violation of criminal law or disorderly persons offense, students who take action on campus in violation of this Policy, or are convicted of a criminal offense or disorderly person’s offense arising from incidents occurring on campus may be subject to disciplinary action for violations under the Atlantic Cape Community College Code of Student Conduct Policy.
- In case of violations of this Policy, the College may bar any person from the College.