Policy No. 410
Use of Personal Technology on Campus
Adopted: 04/23/96
Reviewed: 6/24/08
Revised: 4/23/2024; 6/26/24
Employees may bring technology not owned by the college to campus, with the following provisions:
- Outside Equipment, such as phones, tablets, laptops, may connect to the Atlantic Cape guest wireless network only. Personal printers are prohibited from being used within any Atlantic Cape campus location.
- Outside Software may not be installed on college equipment without the consent and involvement of ITS.
- College funds may not be used to supply equipment not owned by the college, nor may college supplies (paper, ribbons, etc.) be used for other than college work.
- Employees shall adhere to the Acceptable Use of Technology for the use of technology, current copyright law, and licensing agreements for any technology used on college grounds or in the name of Atlantic Cape Community College, regardless of whether the technology is owned by the college.
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