Procedure No. 404.1
Description: Acquisition of Technology
Revisions Approved: 05/12/00
The purchasing process for desktop technology will be the same as for any other commodity. ITS will expeditiously review requests submitted for redundancy, interoperability, reliability, and cost effectiveness. ITS' role with regard to the desirability of acquiring desktop hardware and software will be consultive in nature. ITS maintains its authority with respect to purchases that fall outside the definition of "desktop technology" as noted in Policy No. 404.
Software should be budget coded 3010 and hardware 5202, assuming the latter exceeds $300. Expense budgeting will be as follows:
a) within departmental existing budget
b) through planning and programming in COMPASS
c) through special request to the President for contingency transfer
d) grants
All software licensing agreements, e.g., site licenses, etc., and maintenance will remain centralized in ITS.
All hardware/software acquisitions will be delivered to ITS for check-in and review..
See Also:
Business Services Policy No. 702
Business Services Procedure No. 702.1
Business Services Procedure - Requisition Process No. 702.2
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