Procedure No. 301.1
Area: Resource Development
Description: Gift Solicitation
Adopted: 9/23/08
Individuals, groups, department or administrative units seeking to solicit any gifts, contributions or donations (including in-kind donations) in the name of Atlantic Cape Community College shall submit a Gift Solicitation Form to the appropriate department and unit approval leadership chain. The Dean will forward recommended solicitations to the Resource Development Office for coordination and recommendation to the President. The President shall make the final determination of approval. The Gift Solicitation Form is located below.
Gift Solicitation Form Process:
- Please complete all sections of the GIFT SOLICITATION FORM as concisely as possible.
- Submit the form to the appropriate Department Chair/Director and Dean for recommendation review and approval.
- The Dean will then forward the approved and recommended gift solicitation proposal to the Resource Development Office.
- The Resource Development Office will expeditiously review the recommended proposal for recommendation to the President, provide feedback on the proposal plan, and coordinate solicitation processes with other College efforts
- Upon completion of review, the Resource Development Office will forward a copy of the form with final approval and/or recommended changes to the proposal or needed changes to the plan for future review and approval to the Dean of the referring administrative unit, department or group.
All gifts solicited and accepted in the name of Atlantic Cape Community College shall follow gift acceptance policies and procedures.
See also:
Policy No. 300
Policy No. 301