Procedure No. 211.1
Description: Student Abuse Program
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 8/3/10
Student Program to Prevent Illicit Use of Drugs and Abuse of Alcohol
Atlantic Cape is an educational institution committed to maintaining an environment which allows students to enjoy the full benefits of their learning experience and to understand the negative consequences of the illicit use of alcohol and drugs on their lives. In accordance with the policy approved by the Board of Trustees of Atlantic Cape on August 28, 1990 and in accordance with Public Law 101-226, the College declares that it will make every effort to provide its students with an environment that is free of the problems associated with the unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs.The College is committed to promoting the wellness and positive self- development of its students. The unauthorized use and the abuse of alcohol and the illegal use and abuse of drugs inhibit students from attaining the benefit of their learning experience, expose them to serious illnesses and health risks, and therefore are prohibited.
I. Standards of Conduct
In the College catalog under student life conduct, the following expectations of students are specified:On admission to Atlantic Cape, each student is accepted to act in a responsible manner which conforms with generally accepted standards of adult behavior. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the College rules and regulations specified in this catalog and in Atlantic Cape's Student Handbook/Calendar. It is expected that all students will show courtesy and respect for each other and for administrative officers, faculty and employees. Students must understand and accept the necessity for various College regulations and they must comply with directives of those authorized to enforce regulations.
Students are expected to respect the property of the College and that of others. Damage to or destruction of such property will be considered a matter for disciplinary action.
Possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or narcotics on campus is prohibited.
Whenever Atlantic Cape students gather during non-school hours under the name of the College, a faculty advisor or sponsor must be present. Such meetings must be listed with the Student Activities Office.
Atlantic Cape will not permit smoking within any of its buildings.
All students are required to present an appearance that is neat, clean and in good taste. Students also are expected to recognize the importance of their personal appearance. Proper dress on campus, therefore is expected. Various College programs reserve the right to require specific dress/uniform standards.
The college Drugs and Intoxicants policy refers to standards of conduct:
Alcoholic Beverages: Possession or use of alcoholic beverages any place on the College premises is prohibited.
Drugs: Possession or use of illegal drugs or narcotics at any place on campus or at any College sponsored function is prohibited.
II. Sanctions for Violation of Standards of Conduct
The College's Code of Student Conduct specifies that any student who acts in a manner contrary to the best interests of the College will be subjected to such penalties as the circumstances justify.
The College reserves the right to dismiss any student whose attendance, in the judgment of the administration, is detrimental to the College or its students.
Specific sanctions are noted below:
Persons found with illegal drugs will be suspended immediately and appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified. Persons found to be engaged in the sale or distribution of illegal substances anywhere on College premises or at any College sponsored functions will be immediately dismissed from the College and appropriate law enforcement authorities notified.
III. Applicable legal sanctions - state and federal law
State and federal laws which apply to underage consumption and use of drugs and alcohol (including motor vehicle violations) will be fully enforced at Atlantic Cape.IV. Health Risks
While drugs have saved lives, greatly reduced human suffering and improved the quality of life, they may be misused or abused. Psychoactive drugs act on the central nervous system. They may increase activity (stimulants), decrease activity (depressants), or cause hallucinations (hallucinogens). Every drug has multiple effects that depend on the properties of the drug and the dosage taken. When two or more drugs are taken together or in sequence, their effects may be stronger than their additive sum.The effects of drug use are highly individualized. Drug use or abuse can affect a person's physical, emotional and social health. It can cause accidents, illnesses, drug dependence, overdose and even death. It can cause legal problems, and relationship problems. Drug use and abuse can cause serious harm.
V. Alcohol and Drug Resources and Services
The Counseling and Support Services Department is available to assist Atlantic Cape students with education, information, counseling and referral services for alcohol and drugs.The department has counselors and staff who have received training in alcohol and drug education and provide confidential, non-judgmental individual counseling. Counselors are available to provide students with help in understanding and identifying factors that may point to abuse of alcohol or drugs by themselves, family or friends. Counseling is offered to students who need to take the first step in acknowledging the presence of a related problem. Counselors provide referrals to treatment programs and support to students as they make the transition to outside agencies.
The department maintains an up to date list of alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs in Atlantic and Cape May counties. Counseling staff have working relationships with county drug and alcohol treatment providers.
The Counseling department is located in J Building, first floor. Students can make confidential appointments with counselors.
The Health Services Office also provides assistance to Atlantic Cape students who may have drug and/or alcohol problems.
See Also:
Human Resources Policy No. 812
Alcoholic Beverages (Drugs and Intoxicants) Policy No. 820
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