Procedure No. 20.1
Presidential Search
Reaffirmed: 7/26/2016
- When a vacancy in the office of College President occurs or is anticipate, the Board of Trustees (the Board") shall appoint a presidential search committee, that, if it is to contain persons other than trustees, s broadly representative of the college community.
- The Board shall develop a charge to the search committee which will initially require assessment of the needs of the College and a recommendation to the Board of criteria for the selection of the new president. The search committee shall provide appropriate opportunities for the College community to comment upon the needs of the College and the development of criteria for selection of a new President.
- The Board shall establish a timetable for the search which will ensure that the office of President is filled in a timely manner.
- The Board may adopt, modify, or reject the search committee's assessment of the needs of the College and the committee's recommended criteria for selection of a new President.
- Based upon the selection criteria established by the Board, the search committee shall arrange for appropriate public advertisement of the vacant position, shall review all applications received, and select candidates to be interviewed by the search committee.
- The search committee shall recommend to the Board candidates deemed most qualified for appointment. Only applicants interviewed by the search committee shall be recommended to the Board.
- The Board may interview candidates recommended by the search committee and make such further inquiries as the Board deems appropriate. If the Board determines not to appoint any of the candidates recommended by the search committee, it shall direct the committee to continue the search process and to recommend additional appointment candidates.
- Interviews of applicants by the search committee and interviews of recommended candidates by the Board shall be conducted in private. The committee and Board evaluations of applicants and deliberations thereon shall be kept confidential and shall be conducted in private.
- The Board shall provide appropriate resources to enable the search committee to discharge its responsibilities effectively.
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