Procedure No. 10.1
Area: Human Resources
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Adopted: 11/20/12, 11/22/17
Description: Professor Emeritus Status
A. Criteria to be used in Determining Eligibility:
- Emeritus status may be granted to a faculty member after entering retired status with a minimum of ten years full-time service with Atlantic Cape Community College.
- Eligible employees include all faculty members with full professor rank.
- Service to the College must be judged exemplary by the President.
- The individual must have made contributions which are generally accepted as being significantly beyond the norm for the position.
- The granting of emeritus status to faculty shall be based on performance in the same general areas considered during evaluations throughout their careers: teaching effectiveness, professional contributions, service and support to the College and its community.
B. Nomination Process for Professor Emeritus Status:
Nominations are encouraged from any current College employee who believes that an individual may be qualified.- The Human Resources Office shall initiate an annual request for nominations from the College community for Professor Emeritus Status by November 1.
- The Faculty Emeritus Committee will be appointed annually by the Faculty Assembly to review and make recommendations to President.
- College employees must complete the Emeritus Nomination Form by December 20 and submit the form electronically to the affiliated academic department dean and/or division chair.
- Each dean and/or division chair will vet and verify that each nomination meets the minimum criteria with Human Resources.
- Each dean will advise the Vice President of Academic Affairs of nominations received and of all eligible and ineligible nominees by January 15.
- The Vice President of Academic Affairs will forward on to the Chair of the Faculty Emeritus Committee all nominations by 1st Monday in February.
- The Professor Emeritus Committee will forward its recommendation to the President by the 1st Monday in March.
- The total number of emeritus professors shall not exceed 10% of the number of full-time teaching faculty. To insure that opportunities for appointment will exist on a routine basis, not more than one emeritus appointment will be granted each year.
C. Award of Emeritus Status:
The Board of Trustees shall award Professor Emeritus Status, upon the recommendation of the President at its March meeting.
D. Rights and Privileges of Emeriti faculty:
In addition to those listed for retired personnel in Policy No. 9 and Procedure No. 9.1, will include:
- Listing in College catalogs.
- Mailing address and divisional mailbox (if desired).
- Inclusion as a member of the commencement platform party for the year following appointment. The new Emeritus status will be acknowledged during the introduction of the platform party.
- Receive invitations to participate in College public ceremonies such as academic processions, convocations, and appropriate social functions.
- Use of the title of Professor Emeritus, Atlantic Cape Community College.
See Also:
Policy No. 10 Professor Emeritus Status
Supplement 10.1 Professor Emeritus Nomination Form
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