Procedure No. 6.1
Area: Board of Trustees
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 8/30/2023
Smoking and vaping is prohibited inside all college buildings. The smoking of cannabis on college property in not permitted in accordance to New Jersey regulations. Smoking and vaping is not permitted near any building entrances. All Atlantic Cape employees, students and visitors are required to comply with this policy.
Violators will be subject to disciplinary action:
- Normal administrative disciplinary procedures or the appropriate negotiated agreement grievance procedures will prevail for employee violators.
- Student violators will be called before the Judicial Officer.
- All violators are subject to the public law governing smoking in public places.
Complaints may be addressed as follows:
- Employee complaints or inquiries should be directed to the immediate supervisor and/or Human Resources.
- Students should direct complaints or inquiries to the Judicial Officer.
- In addition, anyone may register a complaint with a security officer.
All employees share the responsibility of monitoring the smoking prohibition.
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