Start Your Bachelor's Degree at Atlantic Cape
Save money at Atlantic Cape and earn the bachelor's degree you want!
Complete 3 Years Toward Your Bachelor’s at Atlantic Cape’s Tuition Rate Through 3+1 Partnered Programs
Atlantic Cape will help you save money through our exclusive 3+1 Bachelor's Degree Program with our affiliated 4-year universities.
Here is how it works: Earn your associate's degree in your select major, then take your junior year here at Atlantic Cape at a reduced tuition rate and complete your bachelor's degree at your university You can transfer up to 90 credits towards the completion of your bachelor’s degree.
By The Numbers

Our 3+1 University Partners
3+1 FAQs
A 3+1 program is a college term stating that three years of a typical four-year bachelor's degree are completed at a community college at the respective community college's tuition rate, while the senior year is completed at/through the 4-year university.
Our 3+1 program with Stockton University allows you to earn an Associate of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Advanced and Continuous Studies. Our program with TESU is open to all associate's degree programs, but you will need to speak with an academic advisor to determine the best academic path for you. At Rutgers University, RN's may earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Each degree is different, but classes may be taken online, in-person, remote or hybrid.
Your freshman, sophomore and junior years will be completed at Atlantic Cape, while your senior year will be completed at/through your 4-year university.
Each program requires a formal application through our One-Stop Welcome Center. If you are interested in applying, we encourage you to speak to your academic advisor first for the best guidance.