Policy No. 851
Description: Separation/Termination
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
An employee planning to resign from his/her position will provide written notice in advance to the immediate supervisor with a copy to the Human Resources Department. The advance notice will be 10 calendar days for support staff and 30 calendar days for all other personnel. Failure to provide the advanced notice will result in forfeiture of accrued vacation and notation in the personnel file.
The Human Resources Department will schedule a termination conference after receiving the written notice of resignation and will arrange for the completion of an Exit Interview Form.
All termination procedures must be completed prior to the issuance of the final paycheck. Final paychecks will be processed by the Human Resources Department. At this time employees should have turned in all college property including keys, books, equipment., etc.
If at anytime it becomes necessary for the college to dismiss an employee, the dismissal will be conducted by the Human Resources Department upon recommendation of the employee's immediate supervisor and approval of the College President. However, every effort will be taken by the supervisor to correct the problem before such action needs to be taken. A representative of the Human Resources Department will schedule a termination conference with the employee. Dismissal action is subject to the grievance procedures established by the college.
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