Policy No. 837
Description: Pay Period
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 5/26/09
Salary payments by check or direct deposit are provided every other Friday.If a pay day falls on a holiday or during a compressed work week schedule, the paychecks are provided on the last working day preceding the off day.
Checks picked up prior to the Friday of pay day shall not be cashed until the actual pay date of the check. Violation of this provision shall result in loss of privilege for early check distribution.
Salaried personnel are paid for work performed to the date issuance of the payroll check. Personnel whose work hours are reported on time cards or time sheets are paid for work performed through Sunday midnight.
Staff are encouraged to work with the Payroll office to arrange for direct deposit.
The schedule of pay dates is distributed annually to all employees.
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