Policy No. 828
Description: Leave of Absence
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:
Upon proper written application, the college may grant leaves of absence without pay. Such leave must be requested for a specific period of time in order that a replacement can be arranged during the time of the leave but shall not exceed 12 months in duration.
The employee must state in writing the effective date of return. In case the employee wishes to return earlier a 60-day notice is needed. Failure to return on the specified date will be treated as a resignation. To the extent permitted by law, any employee granted such full time leave shall retain all insurance and other benefits and shall continue to maintain service time. The employees shall be permitted to pay individual (personal) contributions to all existing plans requiring such contributions, provided these contributions are not contrary to law. All requests for leave of absence without pay must be submitted to the Human Resources Department prior to such leave.
(Refer to appropriate bargaining unit agreement)
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