Policy No. 816
Compensatory Time
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 8/20/24
Employees in positions eligible for overtime may elect to take compensatory time in lieu of payment for any time worked beyond the regular work week with the consent of the immediate supervisor.
The accumulation of compensatory time will be mutually decided between the employee and the supervisor and approved by the Human Resources Department with such accumulation reported to the Human Resources Department on a payroll time sheet no later than the end of the payroll period in which the time was earned. The maximum of compensatory time permitted in any contract year is limited to seventy (70) hours.
Requests to use compensatory time must be requested at least 48 hours in advance of the leave via employee Self Service. Only leave properly reported will be permitted to be taken.
(Refer to appropriate bargaining unit agreement for more information)
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