Procedure No. 110.1
60% Work Load for Teaching Staff
Adopted: 3/24/09
Reaffirmed: 9/19/24
The Academic Affairs department shall be responsible for the initial processing of requests made by fulltime teachers for a 60% work load for up to one semester for the purpose of completing the final stage of doctoral studies at an accredited institution and/or to participate in an activity that aims to ensure the highest level of competence in a field related to the applicant's instructional charge (see Education Association bargaining unit agreement for work load definitions).
The criteria for a 60% work load are as follows:
- Applicant has completed three years of consecutive service as a fulltime faculty member at Atlantic Cape
- Applicant is in the final stage of doctoral studies at an accredited institution in a field related to his/her instructional charge and/or will participate in an activity that aims to ensure the highest level of competence in a field related to the applicant's instructional charge (official institutional transcript/ equivalent must be provided)
- The granting of a 60% work load shall not exceed the length of either a fall or spring semester.
- The granting of a 60% work load is deemed to not be cost prohibitive to the institution.
- The granting of a 60% work load shall be permitted only once during the faculty member's career at Atlantic Cape.
- The 60% work load must include proportionate contact hours, office hours and participation in department and committee meetings. Such terms are to be agreed upon in writing 6 months in advance of requested start date of leave.
- The granting of a 60% work load will not interrupt the delivery of instruction.
- The request for a 60% work load must be made 6 months in advance of the requested start date of leave.
- Any teaching staff member granted a 60% work load must return to the college for two semesters upon completion of the 60% work load period.
- The applicant must complete "Supplement 1: Criteria Form for 60% Work Load for Teaching Staff" and, therein, receive the endorsements of the appropriate personnel.
- The applicant must also prepare a plan that includes a statement of the objectives of the external activity engaged in during the 60% work load period. The plan should include an explanation of the benefits to the college, the employee's specific activities, and the beginning and end dates of the proposed activity.
- Final approval is at the sole discretion of the college's Board of Trustees whose decision shall be deemed final.
See also:
Policy No. 110: 60% Work Load for Teaching Staff
Supplement 1: Criteria Form for 60% Work Load for Teaching Staff